Transmission 2011 

During his numerous travels Bertram Kober takes pictures of transmitters and receiver plants that he presents in his project 'Transmission'. Those photographs taken in the Italian mountains or the German lowlands show not only the monumental impression of such constructions but also the sculptural aesthetics of the tower assemblings with its countless satellite dishes and bar antennas. The artist refers with his pictures of these constructions (sometimes for a picture he was hiking up to 2500 metres height) on to the ubiquity of 'Transmission'. A seamless network crosses the whole landscape almost invisibly. With the help of waves everything can be transmitted received and overheard. It overlaps every place on earth. Information is accesible everywhere and so we are. The invisibility of this network makes us forget its existence. The idyll of landscape seems to be unaffected. Only the docking site of the transmission is visible. Bertram Kober sets them into scene impressively.


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