ConstructionLIGHTleipzig (bauLICHTleipzig). 1997
In the series "bauLICHTleipzig" Bertram Kober freezes wounds from the reconstruction the city in the night and twilight hours. The mood of the light and colors transport the places, under the main station in Leipzig, into unreal, almost timeless moments of reflection.
Throughout all topics, no less the aspect of time, comparison of times and of course, the description of the changes over time have motivated Bertram Kober ... However, even the considerable changes don't last long measured by the age and the spirit of buildings. And now the photographer comes along and flashes his streams of light into them such that for split seconds the mercury vapor and sodium lamps as well as the natural light throw an alienating pattern of light into the darkness. This moment goes beyond the composition of light. The lighting is an aspect of the photo.
Dr. Meinhard Michael
Auszug aus: Von der symbolischen Kraft des Alltaeglichen. Der Fotograf
Bertram Kober. In: Leipziger Blaetter 31. 1997. Seite 56
The radical reconstruction of the largest cul-de-sac train station in Europe took place ten years ago. Dramatic reductions in the number of rail passengers especially after 1989 sped up the search for a future for the gigantic building protected as a landmark. The patient, Leipzig's main station, was given a complete operation with accompanying implants. The expert planners for shopping centers got excited about the place and as opposed to green field developments up to now, projected a three-storey shopping mall in the middle of the concourse. Leipzigers stressed by the "Wende" (Revolution of 1989) and the no small number of the railway fanatics showed little enthusiasm for the planned temple of consumption in the train station. The distrust came to a head when it was found out that 2 platforms were to make way for future parking places. Ten years after the opening of the stores, the patient is doing well. Unfortunately, the quality of design of the "pace maker" doesn't correspond to the demands of its dignified shell. As a professional doubter, it remains for me to remark: the building works. Perhaps the exception that proves the rule. This can be seen in the peripheral areas outside the railyard. They are shrinking areas suffering from vacancy, demolition, and dilapidation. My pictures from the complete operation were created between 1995 and 1997. I hope that the multi-faceted depiction of the spectacle also bears witness to the emotional dimension of the revolution that took place back then.
Bertram Kober
Operationsfeld Leipziger Hauptbahnhof. 2008
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